UNSC Committee 1267
- In 1999,the UNSC committee was established pursuant to Resolution 1267, which imposed a limited air embargo and asset freeze on the Taliban. Over time, measures became a targeted asset freeze,travel ban and arms embargo against designated individuals and entities.
- On 17th june 2011, after the adoption of resolution 1988(2011),the committee split into two.
- The 1267 committee was henceforth known as the Al-Qaida sanctions committee, mandated to oversee implementation of the measures against individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida.
- A separate committee was established pursuant to resolution 1988(2011) to oversee implementation of the measures against individuals and entities associated with Taliban.
- On 17th december 2015, the UNSC adopted resolution 2253(2015) to expand the listing criteria to include individuals and entities supporting the Islamic state in iraq and the levant.(ISIL).
- The committee currently comprise all 15 members of the security council and makes its decision by consensus. The current chair of the committee, for the period ending 31st december 2019 is Indonesia. The two vice chairs for 2019 are the Russian federation and peru.
UNSC Committee 1267
Reviewed by Anukul Gyan
May 04, 2019

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